Improving health by helping great ideas to thrive
TagEvac Evacuation System installed 2019.
Industry: Corporate Offices & HQ
We asked Wellcome, why choose TagEvac®?
- Gives us a clear structured system throughout the building
- Provides easy engagement and training of our staff
- Non-tech simple messaging
Wellcome supports researchers, takes on big health challenges and campaigns for better science and health research.
Wellcome is a politically and financially independent foundation. The founder, Sir Henry Wellcome, was a medical entrepreneur, collector and philanthropist. Wellcome’s work today reflects his conviction that health improves when research generates, tests and investigates new ideas.
With a clear focus on Health & Safety, Wellcome approached us to help deliver a clear evacuation solution at their prominent Headquarters building in London.
We helped plan out the evacuation zones to harmonise with the building layout. This approach gave a clear and unified structure across each floor. A simple but effective TagEvac® system now makes for easy training and evaluation post-evacuation.
TagEvac® is an affordable, efficient and scalable solution designed to minimise disruption – meaning you can save money by significantly reducing your downtime costs. Get in touch for a free consultation and to find out how we can help you.